
Create a society where the present is enjoyable and tomorrow is exciting


Establish new ways of living in The Age of 100 and improve the spirit of nurses to support this


To date, local communities in Japan have disintegrated or become diluted, nuclear families have become the norm, and people have become more selfish. Residents don't help each other, and problems are either solved with money or blamed on the government. In a super-aged society, it is essential to revitalize local communities. To do so, we are acting as good neighbours to connect residents with residents, residents with the government, residents with healthcare, and more. We are the lubricants of communities to revitalize towns.


Hiroyuki Fukasawa / Founder and CEO
Hiroyuki started his career in the nursing care industry when he cared for his father at home. As a welfare equipment consultant, he deepened his understanding of the nursing care systems and distribution models in nurse care, while building a strong professional network. Later, he worked as the director for a specialized magazine subscribed to by nursing care facilities nationwide.

Yuya Saito / CTO
Yuya holds a Master's in Engineering from the University of Tokyo. He gained top-level experience in project development while in the R&D department of Toyota Motor Corporation and IPO at Visasq. In his current position, he is leading the system development in the corporate planning department of Sony Group Inc.


・"Hiroshima Global Unicorn Incubator 2022" Organizers: Hiroshima Prefectural Government, JETRO Hiroshima, CIC TOKYO
・"HIROSHIMA UNICORN 1O STARTUP ACCELERATION 2022" Organizers: Hiroshima Prefectural Government, for Startups Inc.
・"SHIDO Next Innovator 2023" Organizers: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, JETRO