Home nursing service

The home nursing station provides home nursing services based on the medical and long-term care insurance systems. It also offers "health classes" to improve residents' medical and digital literacy, and "community lunches" to encourage social interaction.

Health care service for the elderly "STARTWELL"

STARTWELL measures physical and behavioral data from a smartwatch to promote exercise and improve sleep quality, and visualizes the body's nutritional status using a urine testing kit. Based on these data, nurses make regular visits to provide health management advice. It extends the healthy life expectancy of elderly residents and reduces loneliness.

Health tourism

The tour offers opportunities to learn about community health care, advanced health care, and community development initiatives for health care workers interested in community health care and prevention. Additionally, participants experience the local culture through activities such as citrus picking and bonfires, and interactions with the island's residents. Furthermore, the program helps prevent staff turnover.